How To Make A Growtopia Save.dat Stealer

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How To Make A Growtopia Save.dat Stealer


April 21, 2019
If you don’t want to allow your user to use your bot in-game to avoid accidentally a crash, just include a button which when clicked the user redirects to some other website which then opens save.dat in browser.
Save.dat genererator is a program that allow you to make a save.dat file which is used in Growtopia game. I created it in.NET framework but if you have any other suggestion or if you want to use it in android or iOS you can use it.  .
Don’t use any save.dat stealer make a bot no one can steal our save.dat file we will protect our growingtopia so to top it off make it a both bot and a save.dat stealer in one program.
Sep 5, 2019

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Sep 5, 2019
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Nov 5, 2019
Dec 31, 2019
Growtopia Save.dat-Stealer.v3
Feb 4, 2020
Growtopia Save.dat-Stealer.v4
i am using C#.Net. 4.5 Framework. The program is designed to not allow anyone other than myself or people that I have invited to the account to access the save.dat file.
Oct 5, 2020
Sep 12, 2020

Sep 6, 2020

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May 4, 2019

May 17,


Jun 19, 2018
Website : Use the first option or “Options” in the drop-down menu. You will be redirected to the main website (
Jul 5, 2019
I created a tool that will reset your save.dat and will show your passwords for free :D!!
Use this tool by deleting your save.dat from the game folder and run the program!!
Jun 20, 2018
To reset your save.dat, please delete your save.dat from the folder and run the program!!
You can see the passwords on screen. Try them on the website and if they worked, they will be written down on the screen.
Guide to completely reset your save.dat:
Step 1:
Delete your save.dat from your game folder.
Step 2:
Download GCTA-L33T.
Step 3:
Unzip the program and save it to any folder.
Step 4:
Run the program and open it from “Open Program” tab.
Step 5:
Go to Game and options tab and click on reset your save.dat (or) Reset and configure your game.
Note 1:
Make sure to uncheck all passwords and use “ok” button twice.
Step 6:
Go to Game tab and select your game name and click on “Ok” button.
Step 7:
Click on Resume Tab and select play and click on play.
Step 8:
Go to Login tab and login to your account.
Step 9:
Now your save.dat will be reset and the passwords will be shown on screen.
Step 10:
Now click on ok twice.
Step 11:
Click on other tab and put a password there.
Step 12:
Check a “Set as password” and then confirm it to save it.
Step 13:
You can use this password later or delete it.
Step 14:
Click on ok twice.
Step 15:
Go to options tab and save them.
Step 16:
Click on ok twice.
Step 17:
Click on “Close program” tab.
Note 2:
You can check the passwords on your account after using the tool if you want. You can also check them from the website too.
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